Saturday, October 17, 2009


today, a very good friend of mine had her 18th birthday party. the theme was a masquerade, so everyone had to dress up. of course, clumsy and unorganized as i am, i found out this morning that i was actually gonna go to the party, so...guess who didn't have a costume??? yes, ada didn't :(. ooops. so i tried to get creative with what i did have in my closet, and in the end i came up with something that sort of looked like a biker chick costume, but not really. i do like it as an outfit, though, and i'm thinking i'm gonna wear it as my halloween costume since it's age appropriate (as in it's not too silly, yet not old and boring) and everything.
purple tank: bealls (underneath other top)
bomber jacket: ross dress for less
shirt-dress: urban outfitters
leggings: some random place earrings: wet seal

ring: some random store in romania

purse: random thrift shop

ankle boots: payless shoesource

my friend's costume was amazing! and she made it herself.

all in all, it was a pretty fun night. <3>

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

all-nighters :|

so it is 6:04 in the morning and i haven't gotten any sleep tonight, due to the large amount of homework teachers randomly decided to assign us lately. i know i haven't posted in a while and i'm really sorry if there's anybody that actually enjoys my blogging and that reads my posts constantly: sorry to dissappoint you and make you wait that long. lately, i haven't been doing much except for homework (and i'm talking HUGE amounts of homework), costumes for Olions (the drama club at school) and French Club. anyway, on the 3-day weekend i went to Las Vegas, and *gasp* i actually took decent-looking pictures so...enjoy;)

These are my outfits (nothing fancy, i just wanted to feel comfortable):
These are the shirts i bought at H&M (that only cost me $15, might i add):

I wanted this shirt so bad. I thought it was funny (and, sadly, i thought it was true). my mom didnt find it as funny as i did:

And...more pictures!

hope you had an AWESOME 3-day weekend!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


do you ever look at people that are different from you in a strange way?do you feel like sometimes you judge people too quickly? or just stereotype themby their skin color? or the way they dress? or the way they look in general?i don't. well, that's partially true. see, i believe there's two types of racist: the ones that go and insult people and stereotype them and judge them in a bad way, and then there's the ones that notice that someone is different, but that also see the beauty in the other person. like, i'm caucasian (and my nationality is romanian), but i admire different things in different people.asians, for example, have amazing style and they are so smart. african and african-american women carrythemselves with so much poise, it's actually inspiring. russian girls have amazing blonde hair. and south americans have such a tropical beauty.
i wrote this post because of friday. friday i went to splashtown, in san antonio, texas. i was feelingvery self conscious about my body, trying to cover up entirely in a towel. then i saw this one african-american lady. she wasn't skinny. not at all. she had a lot of curves, maybe a little bit too much. but the way she caried herself, like she owned the place, but without making it seem like she is full of herself, was just so inspiring to meand i'm sure she was inspiring to lots of other girls in the same position as me. this lady made me open my eyes wide andsee that the way you look isn't everything, but if you carry yourself with poise, people are going to love you. and guess what.guys were checking her out the entire time!

guilty as charged.

the other day i went into a walmart store, eager to see the new line by miley cyrus and max azria.actually, correction. i was eager to negatively comment on the line, thinking that it would be just another look-at-me-i-raided-hannah-montana's-closet clothing line. turns out, i was wrong. i can honestly say that i would wear ANYTHING and i mean ANYTHING out of that collection. i love the way they have balanced chic items and then they also have punk and rock elements. i'm probably gonna end up buying the entire thing (although i don't usuallybuy clothing items from walmart). because of this clothing line, i gained more respect for miley cyrus and i think she would make a fabulous designer. pictures below(stolen from the wal mart website)...shhh...don't tell :D

Saturday, August 1, 2009

my kingdom for tomato juice...

i just flew to the u.s. the other day. nothing very interesting. i do have to say, though, the following:
1. i. HATE. the. frankfurt. airport
2. i.LOVE.the.washington.airport much as i hate airplanes i would go on another flight anytime, just because of the amazing tomato juice they have.

just look at it...doesn't it look ridiculously yummy? :x....especially when you add salt and pepper. :))
haha sorry for the random post. i'm having a very non-inspired day. lol. i solemnly swear to post something decent at one point this week ;)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

bond. james bond.

I am the master of disguises...

so is my 5-year old brother.
thanks Tina for the pictures.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

if there's lessons to be learned...

so my blog took a really HUGE RELAXING vacation...and now it's-slash-i'm back!
you're probably wondering what my summer was like. and if you're not, well, i don't blame you because...IT WAS BORING! i went to Romania (i'm still there right now) and for some random reason i had to get a math tutor (oh how i love you, sweet parents!). i guess this summer was okay. i'm really glad i came back, just because i got to see who my true friends are. the other day me and my two friends went on a picture-taking trip. we had a little photoshoot, of which pictures are coming right up.

i guess i was a little dressed up (or not). i had on a white dress and at one point my friend stole a white flower to put in my hair (shhh...don't tell on her;) ). when i was walking back home by myself, everyone was in front of our apartment building. my friend, whom i considered one of the closest people and one of the bestest friends for the longest time, just started laughing hysterically the moment she saw me and started making all these retarded jokes about weddings (because i was wearing a white dress). i pretty much decided right then and there that i don't wanna be friends with that girl anymore. a real friend doesn't do stuff like that. if she thinks you look like s#!t, she will step you aside from the crew and tell you that maybe you should go change, but she will NOT laugh at you in front of everybody. i guess the moral of this story is to surround yourself with people ho won't put you down, or put you in uncomfortable situations, cause the truth is, i really felt like s#!t when she just started laughing and everybody was staring at me and then they all joined in to make jokes. so that day pretty much sucked.

on the bright side, though, my friend Tina took some kick-ass pictures of me. don't you think they belong in a fashion magazine? i do...

so my friend Tina is e genius! 'nuff said. i WILL start posting again now :D